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The most commonly treated and diagnosed eye conditions at Village Eyecare include:

  • Conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral, allergic)
  • Corneal Ulcers
  • Corneal Abrasions
  • Foreign Body Removal
  • Iritis
  • Keratoconus
  • Dry Eye Syndrome
  • Blepharitis
  • Meimbomian Gland Dysfunction
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Hypertensive Retinopathy
  • Cataracts
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Retinal Tears and Detachments
  • Posterior Vitreal Detachment

Eye Examinations

Eye examinations are essential for optimal eye health, and are performed to evaluate all aspects of your vision. An eye examination by one of our Chicago optometrists is more than checking for impaired vision, your eye doctor will also check to see if you have any signs of eye disease or if there are any other problems that could lead to future loss of vision. Regular eye exams are a preventive practice that should be taken as seriously as other routine, annual exams.

Whatever your age, no matter how strong your eyesight is, one of the best things you can do for your eyes is maintain regularly scheduled eye examinations with an experienced Chicago optometrist.

Caring for your eyesight begins with complete eye examinations. Complete eye exams are about more than just testing your vision, it’s a full check-up for your eyes. Many eye care problems can develop over long periods of time, without symptoms, and can irreversibly damage your vision. Regularly scheduled eye exams are the best way to detect such conditions early, and address them before they develop into more serious problems. Most adults should have a eye exam every one to two years.

Children should receive an eye exam regularly as they grow to detect and treat eye conditions that can affect their progress in school. Infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam at six months, and subsequent exams as directed by their eye doctor.

Patients who are at a higher risk for certain conditions, such as diabetes, a family history of glaucoma, and those over the age of 40, should have exams more frequently, as recommended by their Chicago optometrist or eye doctor. Remember that caring for your eyesight begins with eye examinations. They are the best way to detect eye conditions early, and address them before they develop into more severe problems.

Early Detection for Optimal Health

Many eyes diseases have no noticeable symptoms in their early stages, but can be detected during an eye exam. For instance, diabetic eye disease may have no early signs, but can lead to permanent vision loss if it goes undetected. During early stages, there may be swelling of the macula and small leaks from blood vessels in the eyes which an eye doctor can detect.

What Kind of Tests Will the Eye Doctor Conduct?

Eye exams usually begin with your doctor asking a series of questions about your medical history and eye health. The exam will then involve a series of tests, none of which will cause pain or discomfort. The doctor will perform Visual Acuity Tests, Keratometry, Eye Movement, Pupils, Peripheral Vision Tests, Binocular Function Tests, Tonometry, Slit Lamp Evaluation, Direct and Indirect Ophthalmoloscopy.

Other tests and procedures that can be performed at Village Eyecare are: Retinal Photography, Anterior Segment Photography, Threshold Visual Fields, Scanning Ophthalmoscopy Imaging, and Corneal Topography.

What Types of Conditions Can an Eye Exam Diagnose?

The eye functions like a complex machine and there are many things that can go wrong with its individual processes. Here is a list of eye conditions that can be detected during the different phases of an eye test. You can learn more about the conditions in the Health Center here on our website.

Myopia, Astigmatism, Hyperopia, Presbyopia, Cataracts, Low Vision, Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), Strabismus (Crossed Eyes), Glaucoma, Colorblindness, Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis), Blepharitis, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration, Retinal Detachment, Dry Eye Syndrome, Eye Allergies, Cataracts and much more.